Play Aces Up: Bet on the Aces Up spot and win you’re dealt a pair of Aces or better. Automatic Bonuses are paid even if the dealer has a better four-card hand.
Automatic Bonuses: The top three hands in the game, Four-of-a-Kind, Straight Flush and Three-of-a-Kind, receive an automatic bonus payout on the Ante bet. The Play wager has to be at least equal to the Ante, but may be up to three times the ante. If you bet on the Ante wager and want to stay in the game after viewing your cards, you must make a Play wager. Dealer: Bet on the required Ante spot to play against the dealer’s hand. Ranking of Hands: Four-of-a-Kind, Straight Flush, Three-of-a-Kind, Flush, Straight, Two Pair and Pair. It’s a game that rewards skill, patience and nerve. In Four Card Poker, you receive five cards to make your best four-card hand, and the dealer receives six cards to make their four-card hand.